1 (866) 746-1136 |

WARNING: This product contains nicotine.
Nicotine is an addictive chemical

Electronic Cigarette & Vapor News

Big D Vapor wins Dallas Observer Readers Choice Award for Best Vape Shop (Again) October 16 2024

We are pleased to announce that we have been ranked the Reader's Choice in The Dallas Observer as Best Vape Shop in Dallas.  Last year we tied another competitor, this year we are the sole winners.  We attribute our huge selection, large inventory, friendly and knowledgeable staff, and our very loyal client base.  Thank you Dallas!

The 2024 Guide to Must-Have Accessories April 01 2024

This article is from . As we move further into the 21st century, the landscape of smoking has evolved significantly. With a diverse array of products on the market, enthusiasts now have the opportunity to elevate their experience with innovative and stylish gear. This guide, focused on the fan’s toolkit for 2024, will dive into the must-have accessories that not only enhance the smoking experience but also add a...

Elfbar is changing their name to EBDESIGN due to Lawsuit. March 13 2023

Elfbar has formally changed their name to "EBDESIGN" due to a trademark lawsuit filed in the Southern U.S. District Court in Florida by VPR Brands.  VPR Brands, who has previously sued other companies for either trademark or patent infringement, claims to have rights to the "ELF" brand for vaping items in the United States.  Judge Aileen Cannon has issued a preliminary injunction preventing the importation of "Elfbar" labeled products despite...

Why nobody will ship Vape or E-Cigs to San Francisco October 21 2022

Why San Francisco has

Please sign the National Petition to Keep Synthetic Nicotine Legal! June 23 2022

SIGN THE PETITION HERE A Citizens’ Petition on behalf of the American Vapor Manufacturers Association (AVM) has been posted to and is open for comments/support. The petition is asking FDA to do the following: Use its enforcement discretion to allow the continued marketing of open system products that use synthetic nicotine for which a premarket application (PMTA) has been submitted, through July 13, 2022, and until FDA completes its scientific review;...

Aquios Introduces Water Based Vaping April 25 2022

LONDON, England, April 18, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The vaping sector has a track record of embracing innovative technology and applying it to next-generation nicotine delivery. Aquios Labs is looking to introduce an entirely new product category to the industry: water-based vaping. Most traditional vaping devices and e-liquids contain no water at all, and in those that do, the water content is restricted to 3% or less. Until now, the...


Does the state you live in affect how much your vapes will cost?  Absolutely!  Different states charge a different amount of additional tax on vapor products that is specific to the state you reside in.  Many states do not have an excise tax on vapor products, whereas many states like Minnesota have insane taxes (95% of the products wholesale cost) that more less are designed to push vapers back to...

Is Vaping Safer Thank Smoking? September 23 2021

IS VAPING SAFER THAN SMOKING By: Monica Hill, Ultra E-Liquid     An electronic cigarette or e-cigarette vapor is known for having fewer toxins compared to regular tobacco smoke. This is why the e-cig has been marketed as a safer alternative to smoking traditional tobacco products like tobacco cigarettes. It is also thought of as an effective method to quit smoking. As a result, a lot of teens and young...


Big D Vapor will continue to support our clients despite the cumbersome ATF enforcement and PACT Act compliance.  However, these are some important things that all customers should know about the new laws:1. Adult Signature confirmation is MANDATORY.  If you are not going to be home then you should have your order shipped to your place of business.2. Costs are going to increase, but free shipping is still available at $99 or more.3. As...

What is Synthetic Nicotine? December 28 2020

Synthetic nicotine or tobacco free nicotine is a man-made replica of the traditional nicotine that is found tobacco, nicotine patches, nicotine gums and the majority of e-liquids. Produced in a laboratory, scientists can produce the nicotine molecule without the use of tobacco, thereby technically freeing e-liquid made with synthetic nicotine from rules and regulations set by the FDA. Because pharmaceutical grade nicotine is extracted from tobacco, the final product is...

How the FDA Is Saving the Cigarette November 24 2020

The traditional cigarette will receive the greatest boost it has gotten in many years thanks to federal law and a federal agency that is supposed to be focused on the protection of public health.   By Guy Bentley originally on www.reason.orgSeptember 8, 2020       A large part of the e-cigarette industry may soon be put out of business and the Big Tobacco companies’ positions as the leading providers of vapor...

Everything About Pod King, Pod King MAXX, and Pod King PLUS Flavors June 04 2020

Pod King is one of the fastest growing disposable vaporizers with more flavors than any other brand, so this article is to help provide an overview of all current Pod King offerings. Note that all flavors that end in (Ice) will have a cool menthol like finish. Pod King Original 5% Nicotine / 400 Puffs / 1.3 mL / 280 mAh As of June 2020, these are all of the...

Vaping Products Shortage from Coronavirus February 25 2020

Vaping product inventories crushed by lack of shipments from China due to the Coronavirus.

The Future of Vaping: 15 E-Cig Experts Share Their Predictions For 2017 December 16 2016

12.16.2016 | By:   For the fifth year running, some of the biggest voices in the e-cig industry have gone out on a limb to predict the future of e-cigs next year. This year we’re delighted to bring you thoughts from scientists, public health, a documentary maker, vape activists, trade organisations, consumer organisations, bloggers and more. Click on the expert below to read their prediction.   Clive Bates Former director...

Vaping News October October 11 2016

October Vaping News at a glance: A good week for pro-vaping science – E-cigarettes: Organized crime is exploding – Some public sessions at COP7 – Vaping bill sponsor admits ‘it did’ put people out of business – Where has all the nicotine gone? – Role of sweet and other flavours – E-cigs and Joe Camel – Prop. 56 Kills – Latest tobacco tax attempt – Nicotine Science and Policy Daily Digest – Friday, 7 October 2016 A good week...

How FDA Rulings on E-Cigarettes Affect Vaping Consumers May 17 2016

  May 17th, 2016 | Adam Winfrey | Big D Vapor The Food and Drug Administration’s Deeming Regulations for tobacco products were published on May 5th and went into effect on May 10th, 2016.  Unfortunately, these regulations include electronic cigarettes, despite the fact that they contain no tobacco (only nicotine).  These far-reaching new laws will decimate tens of thousands of small vapor businesses throughout the USA and will significantly decrease...

QuitDay.Org - Vaping Scholarship for Ex-Smokers April 12 2016

Have you quit smoking with vaping? If yes, you can win massive prizes in our yearly scholarship contest. now offers $3,000 in scholarships to vapers who share their vision for a smoke-free world. Vaping Scholarship Background From lung cancer to heart diseases to asthma to stroke to infertility, name any disease and you’ll find smoking as one of the major causes behind it. If that doesn’t alarm you, consider...

DOT Bans Electronic Cigarettes on Commercial Flights March 11 2016

March 11, 2016 | NBAA The U.S. DOT recently issued a final rule that bans the use of electronic cigarettes on commercial aircraft. The ban affects scheduled airlines and charter flights in which a flight attendant is a required crewmember (aircraft with 19 or more passenger seats). The DOT said it created this regulation to improve air quality, reduce health risks and enhance safety. The final rule prohibits smoking on...

5 Things You Can Do Right Now To Save Vaping March 09 2016

This is a great article with simple executions from CASAA (Consumers Advocates for Smoke Free Alternatives Association):   (1)  Send a Message! Support HR 2058 which could save the vapor industry from total destruction. Send an Email   (2)  Tell your Attorney General that you stand with Iowa AG Tom Miller and his statement regarding a reasoned, scientific debate about the merits of vapor products Send an Email   (3)...

11 Places Vaping Has Embedded Itself in Pop Culture February 02 2016

2015 Electronic Cigarette & Vaping Summary December 22 2015

Vaping and Electronic Cigarettes  2015 Review A Groundbreaking Year For Innovation, Change, and Public Awareness In 2015, the Electronic Cigarette industry received more press than ever: some good, some great, and some downright negative.  We also experienced unprecedented product improvements, cost decreases, and increased quality across the board.  Finally, we encountered tremendous pressure from legislators, the FDA, anti-vaping groups, and an undereducated public that only knows what major media outlets...

A Billion Lives Counterfactual - Vaping Saving Lives November 30 2015

By Clive Bates originally on CliveBates.comSeptember 8, 2020 A promising new documentary film is on the way to our screens: A billion lives –“a true story of government failure, big business and the vaping revolution”. See trailer above. It gets its name from the often-quoted figure that one billion lives may be lost to diseases caused by smoking in the 21st Century.  The eminent epidemiologist Sir Richard Peto summarised the outlook in a comment to the Independent...

CDC Admits E-Cigs Help Smokers Quit and Has Data To Prove It November 27 2015

A NEW STUDY FROM THE CDC SAYS ELECTRONIC CIGARETTES HAVE BEEN BENEFICIAL IN HELPING PEOPLE QUIT SMOKING. PHOTO: VAPING360.COM. Sales of electronic cigarettes are slowing, but the Centers for Disease Control may have just done the industry a favor that could help reignite growth. According to a recent survey of tobacco shops and convenience stores, the once meteoric expansion of alternative-smoking products is moderating, and may soon be stubbed out, particularly...

New CDC Data Shows E-Cigs Actually Work For Cessation November 03 2015

November 3, 2015 | Guy Bentley | Daily Caller A new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has blown a major hole in the case against e-cigarettes. Many of the most vehement critics of e-cigarettes fear the devices could prove to be a gateway drug and will raise the risk of non-smoking vapers being lured into trying the real thing. Critics also fear that we haven’t seen...