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WARNING: This product contains nicotine.
Nicotine is an addictive chemical

Electronic Cigarette & Vapor News

The Future of Vaping: 15 E-Cig Experts Share Their Predictions For 2017 December 16 2016

12.16.2016 | By:   For the fifth year running, some of the biggest voices in the e-cig industry have gone out on a limb to predict the future of e-cigs next year. This year we’re delighted to bring you thoughts from scientists, public health, a documentary maker, vape activists, trade organisations, consumer organisations, bloggers and more. Click on the expert below to read their prediction.   Clive Bates Former director...

How FDA Rulings on E-Cigarettes Affect Vaping Consumers May 17 2016

  May 17th, 2016 | Adam Winfrey | Big D Vapor The Food and Drug Administration’s Deeming Regulations for tobacco products were published on May 5th and went into effect on May 10th, 2016.  Unfortunately, these regulations include electronic cigarettes, despite the fact that they contain no tobacco (only nicotine).  These far-reaching new laws will decimate tens of thousands of small vapor businesses throughout the USA and will significantly decrease...

A Billion Lives Counterfactual - Vaping Saving Lives November 30 2015

By Clive Bates originally on CliveBates.comSeptember 8, 2020 A promising new documentary film is on the way to our screens: A billion lives –“a true story of government failure, big business and the vaping revolution”. See trailer above. It gets its name from the often-quoted figure that one billion lives may be lost to diseases caused by smoking in the 21st Century.  The eminent epidemiologist Sir Richard Peto summarised the outlook in a comment to the Independent...

eCigarettes and Vapor To Become A Major Election Issue in 2016 October 30 2015

  Daryl Cura demonstrates an e-cigarette at Vape store in Chicago, Wednesday, April 23, 2014. The federal government wants to ban sales of electronic cigarettes to minors and require approval for new products and health warning labels under regulations being proposed by the Food and Drug Administration. (AP Photo/Nam Y. Huh) October 30th | Todd Robberson | The Dallas Morning News I joined a pre-debate panel discussion Wednesday night in...

DOT Bans E-Cigarettes From Checked Baggage October 27 2015

Travelers will no longer be permitted to carry battery-powered portable electronic smoking devices such as e-cigarettes in checked baggage on flights, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) announced Monday. The rule also prohibits passengers from charging such devices and their batteries aboard aircraft.  Passengers may, however, continue to carry e-cigarettes for personal use in carry-on baggage or in their pockets but may not use them on flights. "We know from recent incidents that e-cigarettes in checked...

Enacted Vapor Legislation By State June 25 2015

June 21, 2015 | Vape Vendor Digest  The laws discussed on this page pertain to, but are not limited to, the sale, solicitation, and/or exchange of alternative nicotine and e-liquid products.  These new state laws may require vape vendors to obtain registrations, licenses, and permits for said products.  We do not intend to advise our readers on whether their businesses should complete additional filings within their states.  We only seek to...

DC In A Battle Over E-Cigarette Regulation June 05 2015

By Lydia Wheeler - The Hill - 05/31/15 07:00 AM EDT Washington is locked in a growing debate over what restrictions should be placed on the booming electronic cigarette industry.The Food and Drug Administration is pushing ahead with a proposed rule that would ban the sale of e-cigarettes to people under the age of 18 and prohibit sales in vending machines.But to the dismay of many health activists, the rule...

House Public Health Committee Introduces Several Bills Impeding Consumer Access to Vapor Products March 20 2015

Several bills that would impede consumer access to vapor products are scheduled for a public hearing in the House Public Health Committee on Tuesday, March 23rd at 8:00 AM in the Capitol Extension, 2nd floor, room E.012 (Central Gallery - click here for a map).  We have Identified HB 170, HB 81, HB 970, and HB 2321 as all containing language that would impact consumer access, choice, and awareness of...

The Misbegotten Crusade Against E-Cigarettes February 27 2015

By MICHAEL B. SIEGEL, THE WALL STREET JOURNAL Feb. 24, 2015 6:48 p.m. ET 202 COMMENTS When electronic cigarettes came to the U.S. about 2007, I was skeptical. My assumption was they were a ploy by the tobacco industry to hook more people into smoking under the guise of being a safer product—the notorious low-tar cigarette scam all over again. But as I talked to many e-cigarette users, known as...

Forbes: E-Cigs: A Lifesaver That Health Fascists Want To Kill January 07 2015

1/05/2015 @ 6:00AM, Steve Forbes, TIME AND AGAIN technology has come along to help solve big problems or blast away sclerotic, anti-progress government rules and restrictions. Think about Uber and local taxi cartels or, decades ago, how the invention of money funds upended Depression-era diktats that forced individuals to receive below-market interest rates on their deposits. One breakthrough that gets absolutely no respect–in fact, it’s aroused intense hostility from people...

2015 Vapor Legislation, and What You Can Do About It January 05 2015

By the middle of next week, 19 states will have begun their 2015 legislative sessions.  By the end of January, all but 6 states will be in session.  We’d like to take this opportunity to prepare you for what is shaping up to be a very, very busy year for Tobacco Harm Reduction advocates.   STATES: Taxes Child Resistant Packaging Labeling Requirements Restrictions on Sales to Minors Online Sales Restrictions/Bans...

National Review Online: Vaping for Tax Freedom October 29 2014

E-cigarettes have exposed the fraud of public-health advocates.  By Grover Norquist & Paul Blair For years, people claiming to be public-health advocates have pushed for higher tobacco taxes. They argued that if you were to increase taxes on tobacco, consumers would be forced to kick their unhealthy habits and quit smoking cigarettes. And if you continued to increase prices, you could continue to accomplish the same results over and over again. In fact,...

E-cig, Vape Users Brace For FDA Regulations October 28 2014

Photo by Susan Du Thomas McCool of New Element Fine Vapors  10/28/2014, Susan Du, Cloud blowers, flavor connoisseurs, smokeless e-cig puffers, surreptitious stoners, cancer patients trying to quit cigarettes -- Houston's e-cigarette and vape consumers are as diverse as the products created in the local DIY market. It's a market that's been allowed to Frankenstein and modify new contraptions for vaporizing countless blends of liquid nicotine and flavored juices to...


MIAMI, FL -- (Marketwired) -- 09/30/14 -- In response to the 119-page document submitted by Reynolds American Inc. to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) asking it to ban "open system" vaporizers and devices, Jan Verleur, CEO & Co-Founder of VMR Products, a global electronic cigarette company and the makers of V2®, a leading brand, has the following comment: For many adult smokers, vaporizing devices like e-cigarettes represent an alternative...

E-Cigarettes May Get Advantage for Not Containing Tobacco June 12 2014

By Anna Edney  Jun 11, 2014 11:01 PM CT Photographer: Spencer Platt/Getty Images Most e-cigarettes deliver nicotine while leaving out the tars, arsenic and other...Read More Electronic cigarettes may be closer to smoking cessation devices than regular smokes and regulators are keeping “an open mind” on their potential health benefit, said the top U.S. official overseeing their use. In comments that may boost the developing $3 billion e-cigarette market, Mitch Zeller,...

Health Experts Defend E-Cigarettes May 30 2014

By: ActiveBeat Author on Thursday, May 29, 2014 @ 9:11 am , E-cigarettes, or electronic cigarettes, simulate tobacco smoking by producing a smoke-like vapor. For some, it’s a dangerous idea that could lead kids to become accustomed to the act of smoking. But a team of fifty international health researchers says it’s critical that governing bodies not consider e-cigarettes, which can help people ditch the smoking habit, a tobacco product. The...


TALLAHASSEE, Fla., May 15, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- The Electronic Cigarette Industry Group, Inc., today urged members of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pension Committee to use the Committee hearing Thursday on electronic cigarettes to constructively stress how electronic cigarettes offer millions of smokers an alternative to the combustible cigarette. "E-cigarettes should not be regulated the same way traditional tobacco products are regulated," said Eric Criss, president and CEO of ECIG....

CASAA Call to Action for FDA Proposed Regulations - If you vape you must read this and ACT NOW May 21 2014

WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 2014 Second Call to Action for FDA Proposed Regulations - Consumer Comment on Paperwork Reduction Act On Thursday, May 8th, CASAA released the Overview of its Action Plan Regarding Proposed FDA Regulations.  On May 11, 2014, CASAA released the first of several Calls to Action anticipated in CASAA's Action Plan.   This is the second Call to Action in CASAA's Action Plan.  There is an interim deadline for comments on the deeming...

FDA Regulations for Electronic Cigarettes May 05 2014

FDA Finally Issues Proposed Regulations for Electronic Cigarettes Posted by: Vranks on April 25, 2014 Under: E-Cigarette Legislation | It has taken the Food and Drug Administration five long years to finally issue proposed regulations for electronic cigarettes, after failed attempt to establish authority over them as drugs or drug delivery devices, in 2009. The highly anticipated announcement was made yesterday, and was received with mixed reactions. US cities and states have...

Users Bemoan E-Cigarette Bans in NYC, Chicago April 29 2014

By MICHAEL R. SISAK Associated Press Laws in New York and Chicago making electronic cigarettes subject to the same regulations as tobacco are taking effect, and their sellers and users are steadfast in their opposition. The New York ban — along with the measure in Chicago, one that previously went into effect in Los Angeles and federal regulations proposed last week — are keeping debate smoldering among public health officials,...

Electronic Cigarette Industry Group Urges Caution on FDA Regulation April 25 2014

TALLAHASSEE, Fla., April 24, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- The Electronic Cigarette Industry Group (ECIG) today thanked the FDA for releasing its long-awaited deeming regulation. In response to the proposed rules, ECIG President and CEO Eric Criss observed, "It will take some time to analyze the potential impact of these proposed rules in a meaningful way.  However, it is our long-held position that common-sense regulation should restrict underage access while treating electronic...

Steve Forbes Says eCig Bans Should go up in smoke! January 28 2014

E-Cig Bans Should Go Up In Smoke Electronic Cigarette Inhalation (Photo credit: planetc1)   New York City, Chicago and other parts of the country are banning electronic cigarettes anywhere smoking is prohibited. The nanny state ninnies pushing this are doing a severe disservice to folks who are trying to stop smoking or want the pleasure of seeming to smoke without doing it. These devices simulate smoking by vaporizing a liquid...