1 (866) 746-1136 |

WARNING: This product contains nicotine.
Nicotine is an addictive chemical

About Us

An American, family owned business based in Dallas, Texas.  We are dedicated to providing the highest quality products, at below market pricing, with the best customer service in the industry.  Shipping is always free anywhere in the continental U.S. for any order that is $100 or larger.  We are passionate about only stocking the best vapor products, electronic cigarettes, and the best liquids available in North America.   

We stock all major brands including Smok, Uno, Esco Bar, Uwell, Pod King, Airis, Kanger, Glamee, and many more.  You can reach a live human being during business hours by calling our toll free number, you can expect expeditious response on warranty issues, and you always have our support no matter how long it's been since your last purchase.  Our company philosophy is to exceed your expectations, every time!