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WARNING: This product contains nicotine.
Nicotine is an addictive chemical

Electronic Cigarette & Vapor News

The Future of Vaping: 15 E-Cig Experts Share Their Predictions For 2017 December 16 2016

12.16.2016 | By:   For the fifth year running, some of the biggest voices in the e-cig industry have gone out on a limb to predict the future of e-cigs next year. This year we’re delighted to bring you thoughts from scientists, public health, a documentary maker, vape activists, trade organisations, consumer organisations, bloggers and more. Click on the expert below to read their prediction.   Clive Bates Former director...

New CDC Data Shows E-Cigs Actually Work For Cessation November 03 2015

November 3, 2015 | Guy Bentley | Daily Caller A new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has blown a major hole in the case against e-cigarettes. Many of the most vehement critics of e-cigarettes fear the devices could prove to be a gateway drug and will raise the risk of non-smoking vapers being lured into trying the real thing. Critics also fear that we haven’t seen...

Great Vice Article on E-Cigarette Regulation Being Harmful to Smokers July 08 2015

  July 7, 2015 | Jake Bleiberg | VICE C/O Photo via Flickr user TBEC Review Ray Yeates always assumed he would die a smoker. An adherent of Alcoholics Anonymous with over 35 years of hard-fought sobriety, the 66-year-old says that when he found out that Bill W., one of AA's founders, had continued to smoke through emphysema and dependence on an oxygen tank, he became certain that his life would...

Interview With Hon Lik, Inventor of E-Cigarettes June 18 2015

June 20th | Matt Ridley | The Spectator UK Few people have heard of Hon Lik, which is a pity because he’s probably saved more lives already than anybody else I have met. Twelve years ago, he invented vaping — the idea of getting nicotine vapour from an electronic device rather than a miniature bonfire between your lips. Vaping is driving smoking out at an extraordinary rate, promising to achieve...

E-Cigarette Usage Surges In the U.S. June 10 2015

A woman exhales vapour from an e-cigarette in Blackburn, northern England March 19, 2015. REUTERS/Phil Noble/Files   By Jilian Mincer | NEW YORK (Reuters) - Significantly more Americans are using electronic-cigarettes and other vaporizing devices than a year ago, but most of those consumers are also smoking conventional cigarettes, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll. The findings support evidence that smokers are using both traditional tobacco products and e-cigarettes to deliver...

E-Cigarettes Can Save Lives, Taxpayer Dollars June 01 2015

Saturday May 30, 2015 10:00 AM | Matthew Glans |  Many elected officials are trying to undermine these efforts by treating e-cigarettes the same as traditional cigarettes even though they are completely different products. Banning the use of e-cigarettes in private establishments, in addition to excessive regulation and taxation of these products, is a shortsighted decision that ignores the benefits of e-cigarettes as a nicotine replacement. In a new...

U.S. Ad Campaign to Challenge Value of E-Cigarettes in Quitting Smoking March 27 2015

TRIPP MICKLE, The Wall Street Journal, Updated March 26, 2015 12:16 a.m. ET   Paul Frohman smokes an electronic cigarette outside an office building in downtown Los Angeles in January. California health officials declared e-cigarettes a health threat that should be strictly regulated like tobacco products. PHOTO: ASSOCIATED PRESS   The U.S. government for the first time is taking aim at electronic cigarettes in an advertising campaign, challenging their use as...

Forbes: E-Cigs: A Lifesaver That Health Fascists Want To Kill January 07 2015

1/05/2015 @ 6:00AM, Steve Forbes, TIME AND AGAIN technology has come along to help solve big problems or blast away sclerotic, anti-progress government rules and restrictions. Think about Uber and local taxi cartels or, decades ago, how the invention of money funds upended Depression-era diktats that forced individuals to receive below-market interest rates on their deposits. One breakthrough that gets absolutely no respect–in fact, it’s aroused intense hostility from people...

Vapor Market Consolidation December 30 2014

Dec 29, 2014 (ACCESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- WHITEFISH, MT / ACCESSWIRE / December 29, 2014 / The electronic cigarette - also known as e-cig - industry has grown from virtually nil to over $1.7 billion in annual sales over the past five years. According to Wells Fargo, the relatively new industry is set to reach over $10 billion in annual sales by 2017 driven by increasing affordability and personalization, which...

The beef against electronic cigarettes is based on false evidence December 05 2014

Jacques Le Houezec,The Daily Star, December 5, 2014 We have long known that people smoke for the nicotine, but die from the smoke. Indeed, the vast majority of cigarette-related diseases and deaths arise from the inhalation of tar particles and toxic gases, including carbon monoxide. Though nicotine replacement therapy has helped smokers quit, the cigarette habit remains pervasive in many countries. The use of nicotine in noncombustible forms such as...

Success rates with nicotine personal vaporizers: a prospective 6-month pilot study of smokers not intending to quit November 10 2014

Electronic cigarettes (e-Cigs) are an attractive long-term alternative nicotine source to conventional cigarettes. Although they may assist smokers to remain abstinent during their quit attempt, studies using first-generation e-Cigs report low success rates.Second-generation devices (personal vaporisers - PVs) may result in much higher quit rates, but their efficacy and safety in smoking cessation and/or reduction in clinical trials is unreported. Method:  We conducted a prospective proof-of-concept study monitoring modifications in smoking...

University of Mass Boston Study: Smokers Who Use E-Cigarettes More Likely to Quit Tobacco October 31 2014

Office of Communications | October 30, 2014   Electronic cigarettes—a tobacco-free alternative to traditional cigarettes that generated more than $400 million in sales last year—have ignited controversy throughout the country as politicians and public health officials decide whether to include them in wide-reaching smoking bans.But researchers at the University of Massachusetts Boston have found that regular use of e-cigarettes may benefit smokers who are trying to kick the habit. The...

University of New Orleans Allows Vapor on Campus while Banning Analog Cigarettes September 03 2014

Where E-Cigs Land in Campus Smoking Bans by Brendan Frost In 2013, the Louisiana state legislature passed a resolution that requires public universities in the state to create a smoking prohibition on campus. It's up to the individual universities how to implement this, and the decision has motivated some universities to take a stance on electronic cigarettes as well.   In New Orleans, Tulane, Delgado, Dillard, Southern University at New...

Public Health Officials Should Embrace E-Cigarettes August 22 2014

   It’s time for public health officials to advise smokers that electronic cigarettes are a worthy alternative to smoking that can help them quit the tobacco habit. Most e-cigarettes look like cigarettes. But people who “vape” – use e-cigarettes – are not smoking. They are instead inhaling a water-like vapor that is free of the tar and the sky-high levels of carcinogens that make cigarette smoking so dangerous. Activists who...

E-Cigarettes Boost Quitting Success Among Smokers, 5 Year Study of 6,000 Smokers funded by UK Cancer Research May 22 2014

LONDON Tue May 20, 2014 9:53am EDT   CREDIT: REUTERS/REGIS DUVIGNAU   (Reuters) - Smokers trying to quit are 60 percent more likely to report success if they switch to e-cigarettes than if they use nicotine products like patches or gum, or just willpower, scientists said on Tuesday. Presenting findings from a study of almost 6,000 smokers over five years, the researchers said the results suggest e-cigarettes could play an important...