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WARNING: This product contains nicotine.
Nicotine is an addictive chemical

Electronic Cigarette & Vapor News

Why nobody will ship Vape or E-Cigs to San Francisco October 21 2022

Why San Francisco has

DOT Bans E-Cigarettes From Checked Baggage October 27 2015

Travelers will no longer be permitted to carry battery-powered portable electronic smoking devices such as e-cigarettes in checked baggage on flights, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) announced Monday. The rule also prohibits passengers from charging such devices and their batteries aboard aircraft.  Passengers may, however, continue to carry e-cigarettes for personal use in carry-on baggage or in their pockets but may not use them on flights. "We know from recent incidents that e-cigarettes in checked...

Governor of Hawaii Bans E-Cigarettes Everywhere In The State Where Smoking is Banned May 01 2015

NEWS Hawaii Governor to Ban Electronic Cigarettes By Piyush Jain | April 25, 2015 | Along with raising the smoking age to 21, the Governor of Hawaii is also planning to sign a bill that will ban electronic cigarettes in the state. There have been some protests about the age limit increase, saying that an adult is age 18, there’s no reason to change it to 21. Electronic Cigarette BanGovernor David Ige...

House Public Health Committee Introduces Several Bills Impeding Consumer Access to Vapor Products March 20 2015

Several bills that would impede consumer access to vapor products are scheduled for a public hearing in the House Public Health Committee on Tuesday, March 23rd at 8:00 AM in the Capitol Extension, 2nd floor, room E.012 (Central Gallery - click here for a map).  We have Identified HB 170, HB 81, HB 970, and HB 2321 as all containing language that would impact consumer access, choice, and awareness of...

World Health Organization Calls for International Ban On E-Cigarettes March 20 2015

THE head of the World Health Organization (WHO) has called for governments across the world to ban e-cigarettes. E-cigarettes, which some experts consider to be less addictive than tobacco, have been viewed as potential alternatives by some researchers. But speaking at the World Conference on Tobacco or Health in Abu Dhabi yesterday Dr. Margaret Chan, Director General, WHO, insisted “non-smoking should be the norm”. She also said that e-cigarettes encourage young...

E-cig, Vape Users Brace For FDA Regulations October 28 2014

Photo by Susan Du Thomas McCool of New Element Fine Vapors  10/28/2014, Susan Du, Cloud blowers, flavor connoisseurs, smokeless e-cig puffers, surreptitious stoners, cancer patients trying to quit cigarettes -- Houston's e-cigarette and vape consumers are as diverse as the products created in the local DIY market. It's a market that's been allowed to Frankenstein and modify new contraptions for vaporizing countless blends of liquid nicotine and flavored juices to...


MIAMI, FL -- (Marketwired) -- 09/30/14 -- In response to the 119-page document submitted by Reynolds American Inc. to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) asking it to ban "open system" vaporizers and devices, Jan Verleur, CEO & Co-Founder of VMR Products, a global electronic cigarette company and the makers of V2®, a leading brand, has the following comment: For many adult smokers, vaporizing devices like e-cigarettes represent an alternative...

Steve Forbes Says eCig Bans Should go up in smoke! January 28 2014

E-Cig Bans Should Go Up In Smoke Electronic Cigarette Inhalation (Photo credit: planetc1)   New York City, Chicago and other parts of the country are banning electronic cigarettes anywhere smoking is prohibited. The nanny state ninnies pushing this are doing a severe disservice to folks who are trying to stop smoking or want the pleasure of seeming to smoke without doing it. These devices simulate smoking by vaporizing a liquid...