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WARNING: This product contains nicotine.
Nicotine is an addictive chemical

Electronic Cigarette & Vapor News

How FDA Rulings on E-Cigarettes Affect Vaping Consumers May 17 2016

  May 17th, 2016 | Adam Winfrey | Big D Vapor The Food and Drug Administration’s Deeming Regulations for tobacco products were published on May 5th and went into effect on May 10th, 2016.  Unfortunately, these regulations include electronic cigarettes, despite the fact that they contain no tobacco (only nicotine).  These far-reaching new laws will decimate tens of thousands of small vapor businesses throughout the USA and will significantly decrease...

QuitDay.Org - Vaping Scholarship for Ex-Smokers April 12 2016

Have you quit smoking with vaping? If yes, you can win massive prizes in our yearly scholarship contest. now offers $3,000 in scholarships to vapers who share their vision for a smoke-free world. Vaping Scholarship Background From lung cancer to heart diseases to asthma to stroke to infertility, name any disease and you’ll find smoking as one of the major causes behind it. If that doesn’t alarm you, consider...

2015 Electronic Cigarette & Vaping Summary December 22 2015

Vaping and Electronic Cigarettes  2015 Review A Groundbreaking Year For Innovation, Change, and Public Awareness In 2015, the Electronic Cigarette industry received more press than ever: some good, some great, and some downright negative.  We also experienced unprecedented product improvements, cost decreases, and increased quality across the board.  Finally, we encountered tremendous pressure from legislators, the FDA, anti-vaping groups, and an undereducated public that only knows what major media outlets...

CASAA Call to Action for FDA Proposed Regulations - If you vape you must read this and ACT NOW May 21 2014

WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 2014 Second Call to Action for FDA Proposed Regulations - Consumer Comment on Paperwork Reduction Act On Thursday, May 8th, CASAA released the Overview of its Action Plan Regarding Proposed FDA Regulations.  On May 11, 2014, CASAA released the first of several Calls to Action anticipated in CASAA's Action Plan.   This is the second Call to Action in CASAA's Action Plan.  There is an interim deadline for comments on the deeming...