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Smok TFV4 and TFV4 Mini Coils

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Smok has introduced so many different coils for the TFV4 tanks that we we felt we needed to put them all on one page for you.  These coils are only for use in the TFV4 and TFV4 mini.  For temperature control, select a Nickel, Titanium, or Stainless Steel coil.  For maximum flavor, we recommend trying a Clapton configuration.  For the most cost effective coil head, we recommend selecting a rebuildable and making your own coil.  There are way too many variances to recommend one over the other so if you are not sure, feel free to email us or give us a call and we'll be happy to help!

Smok TFV4 TF-Ti 0.33 Ohm Titanium Dual Coil Heads (5 Pack)


TF-Q4 Quad Replacement Coil Heads for Smok TFV4


TF-T3 Replacement Coil Heads for Smok TFV4
