Electronic Cigarette Industry Group Urges Caution on FDA Regulation
April 25, 2014TALLAHASSEE, Fla., April 24, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- The Electronic Cigarette Industry Group (ECIG) today thanked the FDA for releasing its long-awaited deeming regulation.
In response to the proposed rules, ECIG President and CEO Eric Criss observed, "It will take some time to analyze the potential impact of these proposed rules in a meaningful way. However, it is our long-held position that common-sense regulation should restrict underage access while treating electronic cigarettes as a distinct new technology -- one that is radically different from combustible cigarettes. To the extent FDA has taken such an approach, we believe this proposal is potentially a step in the right direction."
ECIG Senior Advisor and former president of the American Lung Association Chuck Connor noted, "The problem we face is that the smoking rate has gone down a lot, but it plateaued around 20 percent. In my personal opinion, FDA's action today appears to lay the foundation for a new and comprehensive nicotine policy that will save lives. The cardinal rule moving forward should be to recognize the distinctions between combustible cigarettes and electronic cigarettes."
Crafting regulations for a new and rapidly changing industry is a challenging, multi-dimensional task. ECIG commends the FDA for taking input from industry members and public health groups and we look forward to providing detailed comments during the upcoming comment period.
About Electronic Cigarette Industry Group
The Electronic Cigarette Industry Group, Inc. (ECIG) is a non-profit association of consumers, manufacturers, importers and distributors of electronic cigarettes. ECIG advocates for reasonable regulation of electronic cigarettes. ECIG supports strengthening laws to keep electronic cigarettes out of the hands of children. For more information, please refer to our website: www.ecigarettegroup.org .
SOURCE Electronic Cigarette Industry Group
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